  1. Silence

From the recording Between You And Me

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©2011 Barbara TWebber (words) & Music by BTWebber and TCWebber

Silence is heavy, an absence of air
A holding of breath til somebody shares
But no words are spoken, no words to hear
Friendship dies slowly in the absence of air

There’s silence between them where joy danced bold
One heart confused and left out in the cold
The other heart burning with justice denied
The stronger the silence, the stronger the pride

One listened carefully hoping to hear
A chance to mend an unknowing wrong
One held words in, perhaps out of fear
Not wanting to ruin a beautiful song

Silence is heavy, an absence of air
A holding of breath til somebody shares
But no words are spoken, no words to hear
Friendship dies slowly in the absence of air

A civil smile and shifting of eyes
They’ve known each other too well to hide
Pain is pain, one burning, one cold
Both are caught in silence’s hold

Each is afraid of losing the other
To speak or act too great a chance
Gamble on time, love’s great healer